Celebrating the Grand Finale: Our Journey to Project Success

It is with immense joy and a sense of accomplishment that we approach the final months of the TIME4CS Project. As we come to the grand finale of this project it is time to reflect on the incredible ride we've had and the remarkable achievements we've unlocked together. Whilst we are busy finalising the Time4CS grounding actions and planning for the sustainability of Citizen Science support measures, we are also involving partners in a final reflection on the impact of the project?

  • Did we reach the objectives set out at the beginning of our three year journey? 

  • Did we successfully support organisational change towards more support for Citizen Science? 

  • What are the key outcomes of the project?

  • What can we learn from the different roadmaps and grounding actions? 

  • And how can we summarise these lessons learned to be taken up by other RPOs interested in fostering Citizen Science within their organisations?

In a series of workshops and expert interviews these questions will be answered.

We will begin our reflective journey by a critical view of the timelines of all Time4CS activities conducted throughout the last three years within each Implementer Organisation. Based on this overview of activities we will discuss the impact of our successes and limitations of our less accomplished pathways towards organisational change and elaborate the main outcomes of the project together.

Each workshop and interview is coordinated by the Center for Social Innovation (ZSI) who is leading the project’s evaluation and impact assessment activities.

The lessons learned and insights will be shared during our final event in November 2023, a satellite event of the CITIZEN SCIENCE FOR HEALTH CONFERENCE 2023 at University of Twente. Link: https://www.time4cs.eu/events/incentive-time4cs-joint-final-conference-save-the-date

In addition, we will publish a final Evaluation Report on Zenodo and prepare a scientific publication for those interested in learning more about the impact of the Time4CS project and the challenges of organisational change to support citizen science in RPOs. 


