Resources - Project results


Knowledge sharing is an important pillar of our project. That’s why we have created a Zenodo community, an open-access repository where people interested in bringing sustainable change and promoting Citizen Science can read and download our work and results.

If you have questions about any of the reports, don’t hesitate to contact us!


Free Online Training Resource

Access the Course

(requires free login on the platform)

The resource was designed to facilitate the adoption of citizen science within Research Performing Organisations, focusing on four key areas: Research & Methodology, Education & Awareness-raising, Support Resources & Infrastructures, and Policy & Assessment. This is a free course resource for Research Performing Organisation researchers and other staff, particularly training providers, though individual modules may also be interesting and relevant to many other audiences. This online course resource was created by Aarhus University as part of the EU-funded project TIME4CS 


The TIME4CS Reflection tool for institutional changes in Citizen Science (CS) is dedicated to anyone that would like to pursue sustainable institutional changes towards Citizen Science. This document assists you to promote institutional changes towards Citizen Science in your organisation. TIME4CS implementing partners have found it useful for the development of their own action plan to support Institutional Changes in Citizen Science. Now it is your turn to try it! Download the printing version here.


Case Studies Repository

We are keen to see what is the state-of-the-art in the adoption and maintenance of Citizen Science initiatives in research institutions. Case studies allow capturing the wide range of perspectives from Research Performing Organisations, providing an opportunity to better understanding the process of making Citizen Science initiatives a sustainable practice. If you want to see some examples on how this process is been tracked please visit our Case Studies page.



1st Year

D7.4 First version of the Data Management Plan

D1.2 Best practices repository of TIME4CS front-runners

D3.1 First version of the Knowledge sharing and Mutual Learning plan

D6.1 First version of the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (CDEP)

D6.4 TIME4CS website and Citizen Science Helix

D2.1 First version of the Compilation of roadmaps and Grounding Actions for the Implementers

D1.1 Collection of Case Studies of institutional adoption of CS

D1.3 Lesson learnt repository of TIME4CS

D3.4 Report on TIME4CS Knowledge transfer from Front-Runners to Implementers

D5.1 Evaluation & Impact Assessment Plan

D6.5 First version of TIME4CS Clustering activities and user engagement activities report

2nd Year

D4.1 First version of the Description of TIME4CS training programs

D6.2 Second version of the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (CDEP)

D7.2 First TIME4CS Policy Brief

D7.5 Second version of the Data Management Plan

D3.2 Second version of the Knowledge sharing and Mutual Learning plan

Second version of the Compilation of roadmaps and Grounding Actions for the Implementers

Second version of the Description of TIME4CS training programs

Interim Evaluation and Impact Assessment Report

Second version of TIME4CS Clustering activities and user engagement activities report

3rd Year

Report on TIME4CS Mentoring Programme

Reports on all workshops

TIME4CS statement to encourage Institutional Changes to promote citizen science

Final version of the Compilation of roadmaps and Grounding Actions for the Implementers

Final version of the Grounding Actions implemented by T-UCC

Final version of the Knowledge sharing and Mutual Learning plan

Final version of the Description of TIME4CS training programs

Reports on all webinars

Final Evaluation and Impact Assessment Report

Monitoring Toolkit for RFOs and RPOs

Third version of the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (CDEP)

Final version of TIME4CS Clustering activities and user engagement activities report

Final TIME4CS Policy Brief

Final version of the Data Management Plan