TIME4CS Report on Mentoring Programme Now Available

The methodology of the TIME4CS project strongly relies on the knowledge transfer between institutions with previous experience in Citizen Science (Front-Runners) and those that are at an early stage of adoption (Implementers). The knowledge and experience of Front-Runners is important to help and advise in the elaboration and implementation of tailored roadmaps for each Implementer. These roadmaps include the implementation of previously identified Grounding Actions, i.e. concrete actions that are recommended to be undertaken in order to achieve Institutional Change.

As part of this mutual learning program, each of the four Implementing institutions organised a Mentoring Visit in its host institution between March and May 2023. The aim of these visits was to illustrate and discuss the progress done by each Implementer in the respective roadmap. The visits were conceptualized as a one-day event on site with representatives from all Front-Runners, the project coordinators, and local actors. They were also the occasion for each Implementer to share specific questions and get tailored suggestions from the Front-Runners.

The outcome of the visits is summarised in the “TIME4CS Mentoring Programme” report. It describes the organization, agenda, participants, and key points of discussion for each of the Mentoring Visits. The report also includes a few lessons learned.

The full report is a public deliverable and is available on our Zenodo community: https://zenodo.org/record/8082479

Author: Ursina Roffler (UZH)




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