Co-Create Change in Research Funding and Performing

The Co-Change Project wants to develop and strengthen the capacity for ethical reflection and responsible conduct in the structure and culture of research performing and funding organisations. Our aim is that organisations think about the impacts of science and technology at all levels. We would like to initiate and implement institutional changes in the areas of the 5 European Commission RRI keys: research ethics, citizen engagement, gender equality, open access and science education.

Eight Co-Change Labs were established which are organisational spaces for building transformative capacity and leadership in the areas of RRI.

The Co-Change Project objectives are: initiate and implement institutional changes in the areas of research ethics, citizen engagement, gender equality, open access and science education; build change coalitions by implementing Co-Change Labs in their ecosystems, generate transformative capacity for change in terms of practices, procedures, rules and norms at the individual, organisational and system levels; co-create and test RRI-related practices for institutional change in research funding and performing organisations within consortium member organisations and associated partner organisations; make the impact of innovation on society a part of consortium member organisations’ daily routines; align both the project process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society.

To find out more about Co-Change visit the project website.


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