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ECS Cluster Event 2023

The TIME4CS project will participate in the ECS Cluster Event 2023 and will lead one of the co-creation activities focusing on the co-production of the TIME4CS statement.

This online event is for everyone (such as academics, educators, university staff, citizen science practitioners, early career researchers, policymakers, civil servants, the general public and industry representatives) interested in learning about and discussing the role of citizen science in transforming universities in Europe.


The event has two parts, with a break scheduled between 12:00 to 13:00 CEST.

From 10:00 to 12:00 CEST - Part I: Integrating Citizen Science within the University Environment in Europe- Impacts and Experiences from ongoing citizen science initiatives

The first part of the event aims to highlight some practical experiences, findings, take-away messages and best practices from ongoing citizen science initiatives. This will include introductory presentations from Stijn Delaure (DG R&I policy officer in charge of the R&I policies of the European Universities Alliances ) and Claudia Fabó Cartas (Project Manager of ECS) and Muki Haklay (Team Lead at Learning Planet Institute), testimonies on what citizen science brings to the higher education sector and lightning talks showcasing how universities currently perform in citizen science activities. Invited speakers will be: Dr. Maria Aristeidou (ECSA Working Group - Citizen Science and Universities), Dr. Fernando Vilariño Freire (SMART-ER Project, ECIU University), Dr. Maya van den Berg (INCENTIVE), Floor Keersmaekers (EUTOPIA-Train) and Claudia Iasillo & Alessio Livio Spera (TIME4CS).

From 13:00 to 15:00 CEST - Part II: Recommendations and solutions to better support the integration of citizen science in universities

This second part of the event aims to build together suggestions for the European Commission and other stakeholders in ways of supporting citizen science in the high education sector. In groups, participants will be invited to discuss together one the following questions:

  • Group 1: What are the current challenges that structures that support citizen science in universities currently face? What are some policies that challenge the incorporation of citizen science in universities? How to overcome them?

  • Group 2: What are the incentives or measures (from individual to policy level) needed for effectively integrating citizen science into universities’ education and research activities? Help TIME4CS to co-create a statement for institutions willing to pursue institutional change on citizen science!

  • Group 3: How can we create a supportive environment for young researchers to engage with citizen science? What role can universities and research institutions play in supporting and training early career researchers in citizen science?

This event will be facilitated by Stickydot

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